Wednesday, 6 October 2010

All by myself

Today was orientation...a chance to get to know our fellow assistants and for all important information, on which us staying in France depends on! So, why not put us in a massive lecture theatre and speak to us in rapid french for two hours? Honestly, some times I wonder how some people make it through their day to day lives! Idiots!

So, as we had to check into the hotel after 12 but before 5, i decided the best plan of action was to ditch the meeting and check in at the hotel, leaving poor amy to suffer all by herself! Bad enough we were up at 7am, but having to attend a mind numbing french meeting was taking the piss! Needless to say, i didn't return and Amy kindly got all the relevent information needed for the next six months in France! How bon!

Still have no cooking facilities, and due to the half stone i've lost since my arrival last week, I felt a MacDo was a perfect little treat! After we scoffed our food in a typical Scottish fashion, i decided to write some cards and letters home to my folks and Christophe...then the most bizarre thing happened. Two french girls approached our table and asked, in french, if i had finished my large coke. I replied Yes (oui, actually...see how good i'm getting) and she said, ok can i take your cup and i will give you this egg in its place...and she actually produces a real egg from her pocket. I just stared at her, lost in a wave of confusion and disbeleif, and finally after an awkward five second silence said "Quoi?! Un Oeuf?!"....Turns out, it was some sort of uni freshers test thing but i left the egg in MacDo for some poor soul to wonder what the feck was going on! Have picture of said oeuf, will put in on shortly!

So here i am, in the hotel room ready for bed and its only quarter to eight! Have to get up at 6am because i have a class at 8 and need to get the 6.55am train! FML i think is the appropriate expression here, oui?

bisous xx

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