Monday 20 December 2010


So it's been exactly four weeks since my last blog entry, and what a month it has been! I've had a visit from Caitlin and Donna, a trip to barcelona, a stolen blackberry, an asthma attack, food poisoning, sad news about Amy's family, a night in London and a six hour drive on the way home thanks to the best boyfriend ever.

However, nothing humbles you more than the death of someone so close to you; someone that you had taken for granted and assumed would be there when you returned from the shitty year abroad. My Dad was right when he said that the only sure thing in life is death, but that doesn't make you feel better. Before this week, I had thought this year in France had taught me that i hated french people, that I had the worst luck ever and that no matter how many times I say i'm going to change, I have the worst temper ever. However I now realise that this year abroad has taught me that i'm selfish. I forget about the people back home and only concentrate on my problems and that i'm so self-absorbed. My granda was without a shadow of a doubt the kindest, most amazing man i have ever met. He always put others before himself and was the cleanest living man God put breath in to. And so I have decided that the death of him shall not make my dreaded return to France sad or depressing...but that I will channel his personality into myself. I won't let trite things bother me, and if they do I will not blame it on anyone other than myself. My faith has been made stronger with this passing, rather than the weakened version it was in France. As they say, every dark and stormy cloud has a silver lining...
